This article presents interior design invoice templates for professionals who are into interior decorating and furnishing of a place.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Yes, no work should go unpaid. It is essential to raise a professional invoice to get your work paid by the customer. Therefore we are here to help you download the interior design invoice template for free and grow your business.

What is Interior Design Invoice?  

It is similar to a bill that is prepared by the designer and given to the customer with details about the expenditure. It basically will have all aspects related to the items purchased; work is done, labor cost, tax details etc.

The invoice helps to track details about the unpaid amount and thus supports the service provider, and it is you to grow your business.

Components of Interior Design Invoice Template

Now you understood that you must have an invoice in place to display not only your business professional but also make money. Yes, it is the best way to record all the work-related cost.

Understand the components of an interior design invoice. You can download the Interior Design Invoice Word Template and edit the details per your need.

First, it must have your company name with complete address. Your contact number, email ID and website address. This part shows your professionalism to customers. Make sure to give the correct address and always launch a website to promote your business.

Then give the details to the customer including address, and other contact details. On the left side of your invoice below the from address.

On to the right-hand side mention the invoice date and number. This number is a unique number to track your invoices when you have them in the bunch.

Next line you can specify any comments or instructions to the customer like the PO number, Due Date, Due amount etc.

Now the next section is the crucial part where you must mention the cost details. Make a table and start with the Next column specifies the place where you will do the interior design. It can be the entire house but give specific room names so that billing will be secure. Then mention the product details. The quantity used price per item, total amount. Complete all the details for every product and then enter the subtotal at the end. Now include the labor cost and make the full total. Include tax at the end to find the sum.

After this, the table is completed. You can write the amount in words. Below that write the signing authority name and get the signature. Use your company seal to add value to your bill.

Yes, you’re done with the invoice. Is it that simple right? We are here to make your life simpler and hence given you this printable interior design invoice template. Feel free to use them.

Need for an Interior Design Invoice Format  

Interior designers are in constant demand since 2014, and this need will continue to grow till 2024 based on the report given by Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). You stand an excellent chance to grow your business in interior designing.

We are glad to offer you free interior design invoice templates. However, understand the need to create a standard interior design invoice format.

Use the identical format to show your professionalism. You can track your invoice for audit purpose or to handle customer query if you have maintained a consistent format.

You can also use these formatted invoices to provide upgrades to stay in touch with your customers regularly. Few interior design works need frequent maintenance, and thus you can offer them. This will also help you get more references.

It also helps you to remind customer for payment. In a particular format, you can set reminders in your invoice to get a notification about payment dates. Invoice raised must be continuously followed up to get payment on-time.

Freelance Interior Design Invoice Template 

Just in case you have started your journey as a freelancer and had no clue to prepare an invoice. Then rest assured you can use these templates and begin approaching clients. Yes, as a freelancer you might not have registered your company.

This invoice template will include your details, and still, you can work professionally until you establish an interior design company.

Remember as a freelancer your credibility is important and hence finish work per agreement with clients. Provide rates based on the market for products. At the labor, side keep your cost low to win many customers.

Prepare a logo for your business even as a freelancer that will help. You make a logo in Photoshop and create a website to showcase your interior design skills. You can also post some photos from the client place to bait new customers.

Interior Design Bill Template 

The bill sometimes differs from an invoice while both speak about the product and service cost. Invoice is raised to get paid from the customer whereas a bill is given to the client upon getting paid. Interior design invoice given does not precisely mean paid on the other hand interior design bill given will confirm payment.

Use the interior design bill template and track the payment received for all your work done. This is similar to the invoice but may not always contain the detailed break up as the invoice has.

Interior Design Recurring Invoice Template 

The recurring invoice template is helpful when you offer same services to client periodically. Here you don’t have to change the item description. Just need to change the date and invoice number.

Say for example you can have a recurring invoice template for a business that works on the same concept. Your interior design support might be required periodically. Under such instances, these recurring invoice template will help.

Guidelines to Price Your Interior Design Work 

It is a good practice to have an invoice in place. Also, you must know how to price your work. This is the area where you can make money. At the same time, you must get more clients. You can neither charge high nor low.

There are few things you can follow to charge an optimum price and convince clients.

Your charges for products are fixed, and you are not getting any benefit. But, there are several instances in interior design where you will work hard and with your creativity make the client place look great. You must know how to project your work as the client may not understand the intricacies of interior designing.

Do not always charge per project as sometimes you may go in loss. Make use of the concept of charging per hour. This will help you earn money based on the time you invested. You can also price depending on the work area. Another way is to calculate based on the project.

Sometimes you can charge called a percentage fee. This concept will help when the project changes after it has commenced. You might have agreed to a cost and started the project. But the client might require more detailing halfway through the work and this percentage fee will help you get paid for your hard work and time spent.

A retainer fee is another way where you can retain customers. Few businesses like entertainment, media industry will have a constant need to design their interior. Such vast and regular work offering clients can be priced based on the frequency you get a job. You can just give them a discount and retain the client.

Tips To Include The Appropriate Items In The Interior Design Invoice

You may not be sure as to what must be included in the table portion of the invoice. Here you go with the details.

  • Include all the bill of material items separately. Yes, do not add all and mention as one product.
  • Specify each product name and quantity used. To be more specific split area wise and mention details. This will give more clarity for the customer to verify the bill. For example, if you are doing interior work for office space, mention the area name individually and write the details of the items used.
  • Always mention price per unit and then in the next column do the multiplication. This will make it clear about the cost.
  • Then give a total. After that mention the labor cost per day, per hour or however you have discussed with the client. Make this also clear and do not just mention labor
  • Based on the country you provide your service include the tax details and make the total.

You can download any number of interior design invoice templates, or bill templates from here to bill your clients.

Happy Designing!

Further Reading:

How to Get a Client to Pay

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